Aeid Ben Obeid Ben Obeid Al Qahrani Restaurant of Saudi Arabia is seeking for the following position. Interested Nepali candidates may apply as soon s possible.
Before applying for the post you can confirm the LT Number given by Foreign Employ.
LT Number: 211440
Country: Saudi Arabia
Company: Aeid Ben Obeid Ben Obeid Al Qahrani Restaurant
Job Position: Waiter, Head Waiter & Guest Worker
Salary: 34,235 – 39,940
Food & Accommodation: Provide
Contract period: 2 year
Working day: 6 day per week
Working Hour: 8 Hour per day
Visa & Ticket: Provide
Service Charge: 10,000/-
KL Employment Service Pvt. Ltd., Airport, Kathmandu.
Tel: 4464113, 4493189, 984186923